EuroPuppy Reviews

We have more fantastic, and fun reviews on our Facebook Page and the EuroPuppy Club on Facebook. Have a look now at our most recent photos, videos and stories sent to us by EuroPuppy dog owners; loving life with their EuroPuppy.

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    Ginger - Golden Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Steve, Attached is the first picture of Ginger , Doha- vet took care of everything and delivered him home at 3 am! He is such an adorable puppy and…

    Hi Steve, Attached is the first picture of Ginger , Doha- vet took care of everything and delivered him home at 3 am! He is such an adorable puppy and is adapting super quickly to everything around him We can’t be happier to have him! I will be sending you more updated pictures if you want… Thanks for everything and everyone in Europuppy Cheers from Doha

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    Key and Kite

    Key and Kite - West Highland White Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Key and Kite - West Highland White Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Good Evening Lorena, please find attached health cert from doha vets for our puppies. They are great and we have re-named them Bonnie and Charlie, the girls were over the…

    Good Evening Lorena,

    please find attached health cert from doha vets for our puppies. They are great and we have re-named them Bonnie and Charlie, the girls were over the moon!!! I’ve attached a picture from christmas morning, I will post some new one’s to facebook later.


    Doha, Qatar

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    Puddles - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Puddles - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Dear Shane, Thanks for your message. Yes, Puddles is 3 years old. It’s been an amazing three years, we are delighted to have him in our family. He is a…

    Dear Shane, Thanks for your message. Yes, Puddles is 3 years old. It’s been an amazing three years, we are delighted to have him in our family. He is a very lovely, energetic and always J hungry boy…

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    Stardust - Maltese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Stardust - Maltese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie, Just wanted to write you a quick review on how we found the entire process, along with some photos. Stardust arrived safe and sound. He was happy and…

    Hi Eddie,

    Just wanted to write you a quick review on how we found the entire process, along with some photos. Stardust arrived safe and sound. He was happy and bouncy right from day one. We have since renamed him Dusty because he was grey looking when he arrived after all his travelling!! Since then, he’s been checked by the vet and, not surprisingly, was given a perfect bill of health.

    He’s been to the groomers for a haircut, and has now fully settled into his new house. He loved the sun and the sand, as you can see in the photos. He especially loves running across the top of sand dunes! He is one of the most well behaved dogs I’ve ever had, walks to heal, plays well, always full of energy. And amazingly, he arrived almost completely house trained. With only very few accidents, he’s been the easiest dog to house train I’ve ever had as well!

    The entire process was excellent, and you really made choosing and buying a dog simply a walk in the park – especially in a place like Qatar where it’s not easy to get healthy pets. Your high level of customer service and your clear dedication to selling only the happiest, healthiest dogs took all the worry and hassle out of buying a dog, without taking away any of the fun! I hope you enjoy the photos. Thanks again – I’m sure we’ll be in touch over the coming years for another friend for Dusty.

    All the best,

    Chris & Carlee,

    Doha, Qatar

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    Marko - English Cocker Spaniel, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Marko - English Cocker Spaniel, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Eddie, some updated photos of Marko, He has fitted into our family wonderfully and we are loving having him around. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all at…


    some updated photos of Marko, He has fitted into our family wonderfully and we are loving having him around. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all at EuroPuppy, and thank you! regards

    The Monds of Qatar Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,

    Doha, Qatar

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    Hero - Siberian Husky, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Hero - Siberian Husky, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Hero - Siberian Husky, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    He’s doing great and we all love him so much. Kind regards, Lina

    He’s doing great and we all love him so much. Kind regards, Lina

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    Theo - English Cocker Spaniel, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Theo - English Cocker Spaniel, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Dear Eddie, Please find attached a Photo of Theo taken today. Please tell the breeder that we are very happy with Theo. Kind Regards, Fabien, Doha, Qatar

    Dear Eddie, Please find attached a Photo of Theo taken today. Please tell the breeder that we are very happy with Theo.

    Kind Regards,


    Doha, Qatar

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    Maddy - Labrador Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Maddy - Labrador Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Maddy - Labrador Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Maddy - Labrador Retriever, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hello Eddie and Steve I would like to wish you a happy and prosperous new year. May this year brings you more happiness and a lot of success. Here I…

    Hello Eddie and Steve I would like to wish you a happy and prosperous new year. May this year brings you more happiness and a lot of success. Here I am attaching some photos of Maddy, who is doing really fine. She is adorable dog, very clever and we love her with all our hearts. We haven’t met with her brother yet, but we will make it in the nearest future. Regards Sergey

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    Nostalgia - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Nostalgia - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Steve, How are you! Nostalgia is so cutie! we are in love with her. She is very well, has already adapted to the house, she loves to sleep with…

    Hi Steve, How are you! Nostalgia is so cutie! we are in love with her. She is very well, has already adapted to the house, she loves to sleep with my daughter, and we are very happy that’s she is with us Here some pictures of her. Thank you, Kind Regards, Rosana Becker

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    Chance (aka Bailey)

    Chance (aka Bailey) - English Cocker Spaniel, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Steve, Its been over a month since our beautiful boy, Bailey, entered our home and straight into our hearts. I’ve attached a recent picture of him so you can…

    Hi Steve, Its been over a month since our beautiful boy, Bailey, entered our home and straight into our hearts. I’ve attached a recent picture of him so you can see just how adorable he is. He’s a bundle of energy, this chap, loves his chew toys, long walks, and is always up to play ‘fetch’, anytime of the day. I’m still his favourite person, by the way, although, with me recently starting work again, he probably spends more time with Derek over the last few days. Its also amazing how highly intelligent he is. He picked up several commands and tricks, very quickly which includes not eating anything until given the ‘Good boy, Eat’ command.. I have to say though that its not been all that easy on our two cats, Smokie and Simba. While Bailey simply adores the fact that he has these special ‘playthings’ around in the house, we have had to be especially careful and still maintain our guard all the time as we haven’t quite figured out a way to control him chasing after them in hot pursuit, as yet. He knows that we are not at all happy with him when he does that plus I think he’s already associated getting put on leash inside the house, right after as he sits and waits for us to put him on lead right after these incidents happen. Guess its a matter of time and patience. You should see how his face goes all droopy and sad when we say… Bailey, ‘NO’ or ask him to ‘sit’ or ‘stay’ in a gruff voice. Take care and all the Best, Cheryl

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    Frodo - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Frodo - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Dear Eddie, Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought…

    Dear Eddie,

    Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought Sandy was easy. Please let the 2 Havanese breeders that produced our puppies know how impressed we are with them. And of course, a big thank you to you all at Europuppy for bringing us together and making the transition between countries so effortless.



    I have attached a photo of my 2 EuroPuppy, Havanese dogs. Sandy (Keriana) has proven to be an intelligent dog that needs mental stimulation, in addition to lots of exercise. Frodo (Junior) was purchased from you 3 months ago and he is a high energy, cuddly little guy who serves as a never-ending source of amusement to Sandy. I also own a 10 1/2 year old Lhasa Apso / Jack Russell cross who watches with wonder at the stamina of the younger dogs, and growls if their antics spill over into his personal space, yet this does nothing to deter the Havanese from having their fun!

    Since I bought my Havanese from you I have created interest in the Havanese breed at my place of employment, and as you know two of my colleagues have purchased Havanese dogs from you. I have my dogs’ photos on my bulletin board so many people inquire about them. I have even had a few offers from people wanting to buy my dogs, but I direct them to your web-site instead! In the next 5 years we will be looking at getting a larger dog, one with a presence, as we have a large property back in Canada. To me this means a Black Russian Terrier, to my husband this means a Bernese Mountain dog; either way we will be in touch!

    With thanks,

    Dana Qatar

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    Jimmy - West Highland White Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Jimmy - West Highland White Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie I’ve been meaning to write to you with a photo of Jimmy. He’s everything we expected and is such a wonderful member of our family. He’s happy and…

    Hi Eddie

    I’ve been meaning to write to you with a photo of Jimmy. He’s everything we expected and is such a wonderful member of our family. He’s happy and healthy and Europuppy did a fantastic job getting him here is such good shape. I’ve completed the survey and attach a photo of Jimmy. It was taken on Australia Day (we don’t normally dress him in clothes!). Thanks again and I have recommended Europuppy to a number of people. My neighbour is just about to buy a pup from you!

    Kind regards

    Trish Mills

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    Minnie - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Minnie - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Dear Eddie, We have finaly receieved Vibe, now called Minnie! Where to start, first of all me and my wife thank you for your profesionlisim! We are so happy with…

    Dear Eddie,

    We have finaly receieved Vibe, now called Minnie! Where to start, first of all me and my wife thank you for your profesionlisim!

    We are so happy with Minnie, amazing puppy! The minute we saw her she was so playful, we couldnt have wanted a more perfect dog!

    Thank you so much again!

    Best regards,

    Issam & Marlene Soufan

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    Luna - Miniature Schnauzer, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Luna - Miniature Schnauzer, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Luna celebrating her 1st birthday

    Luna celebrating her 1st birthday

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    Chanel - Pug, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Chanel - Pug, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie and Tibor, Wendy now Chanel is very smart and health puppy. She arrived in Doha(Qatar) in last october 26. She was in a very good shape and mood.…

    Hi Eddie and Tibor,

    Wendy now Chanel is very smart and health puppy. She arrived in Doha(Qatar) in last october 26. She was in a very good shape and mood. Thanks to all your staff for the service. Attached some photos.


    Doha, Qatar

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    Coco - Miniature Schnauzer, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Coco - Miniature Schnauzer, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie, We just wanted to write and say thanks for sorting everything out with Coco and we are really impressed on how easy the process was from picking Coco…

    Hi Eddie,

    We just wanted to write and say thanks for sorting everything out with Coco and we are really impressed on how easy the process was from picking Coco to receiving her. Everything worked perfect with the help of Doha Vets who delivered her to our door.We really enjoy having her around. She is a lovely puppy and we are sure she will grow up to be a great dog.

    Here is a video of her too:

    Kind Regards

    Karin Perry

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    Bella - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Bella - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Bella - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Dear Akos, Bella turns 1 today and my kids are excited to celebrate it, they got for her many different kinds of treats so she can enjoy. She is fully…

    Dear Akos, Bella turns 1 today and my kids are excited to celebrate it, they got for her many different kinds of treats so she can enjoy. She is fully house trained and extremely smart, she knows us by our names, she knows when the kids get back from school, she barks when the mobile phone rings or when the bell rings as an alert, and she still doesn’t like to shower lol! She’s so cute and so smart! Have a lovely week! Layal

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    Sandy - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Sandy - Havanese, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Eddie, Keriana (we called her Sandy) continues to be the world’s best puppy. She is exploring her world with enthusiasm.She wasn’t thrilled about the leash the first time we took…


    Keriana (we called her Sandy) continues to be the world’s best puppy.

    She is exploring her world with enthusiasm.She wasn’t thrilled

    about the leash the first time we took her out, but now she gets excited

    when she sees her leash, because she loves to get out and sniff

    around… but not as excited as she gets when the dog treat door

    opens! She must have been paper trained in Hungry as she prefers the

    paper to outside, she even peed on my daughter’s math homework that

    she left on the floor!

    She got a healthy report from the vet, so all is well in all areas.

    Thanks again!


    Doha, Qatar, 05 – Oct – 2009

    Dear Eddie,

    Keriana is just about 19 weeks… she is so cute! I thought that her

    breeder may want to see how she is growing and changing. She is

    actually just growing into a mop of fur; I don’t think there is much

    body under there. She is very curious, smart and naughty… just as

    a puppy should be.


    Dear Eddie,

    Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought Sandy was easy. Please let the 2 Havanese breeders that produced our puppies know how impressed we are with them. And of course, a big thank you to you all at Europuppy for bringing us together and making the transition between countries so effortless.


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    Mini Moris

    Mini Moris - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Mini Moris - Yorkshire Terrier, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie, I just wanted to let you know that Mini has finally arrived to Doha Qatar and he is doing great! Tomorrow he has an appointment at the vet,we…

    Hi Eddie,

    I just wanted to let you know that Mini has finally arrived to Doha Qatar

    and he is doing great! Tomorrow he has an appointment at the vet,we couldn’t

    take him today because its weekend here so vet is not opened today.

    I will send you updated pics for you guys and the breeder plus a vet update

    tomorrow. I also want to send a full detailed email as a reference. You have

    been absolutely wonderful and have sent me the most beautiful puppy,he is

    truly just amazing and loving! I could not have asked for more and its

    thanks to Europuppy and the breeders,thanking you is not enough.

    Find attached a small picture of Mini when he first arrived last night to

    his new home.

    Thank you so much Eddie, you have been a true professional and pleasure to

    correspond with.

    I will email you tomorrow with full update.

    Kindest Regards


    Hi Eddie,

    Mini is wonderful! Such a small, energetic, playful and naughty puppy! My

    husband and I took him yesterday to the vet. The doctor informed us that

    Mini is doing absolutely great and he is looking good, he’s a bit on the

    slim side but she assured us that it was fine as long as he’s eating right

    and is getting plenty of sleep, which is the case with us so far, he is a

    small dog after all. I showed her all the vaccination information that had

    been sent to us from Europuppy and was pleased with the update but

    recommended that we start his vaccinations over again just to make sure

    everything is in order. So now he has had the first two vaccinations done

    and we will be going back to the vet in the next 3-4 weeks to have the next

    set of shots. Overall the trip to the vet was GREAT. Mini was such a good

    boy, he was happy to be looked at by the vet but was a bit upset when he got

    the shots. He’s in great shape and the vet said that he looks like he’s

    going to be a great and healthy dog when he gets older.

    Eddie, I can not thank you and the rest of the Europuppy enough, please use

    my email as a reference to let everyone know how tremendous Europuppy have

    been with me. Mini has been such an amazing addition to our home. He’s such

    a good boy even though his potty training is a bit tough, but he’s a baby

    and i have all the time in the world to make sure he’s going to be

    well-trained. The fact that Mini arrived in such good and healthy spirits

    after such a long journey to us was unexpected and its thanks to you and

    Europuppy that he arrived safe and sound 🙂 Please also thank the breeders

    for giving me a puppy as lovely as Mini, thanks to them he has such a loving

    and bubbly personality without any major temperament issues. I can not ask

    for more!

    It has been an absolute pleasure corresponding with you. You and Europuppy

    have been absolute professionals and never kept me impatiently waiting when

    I had any enquiries to make (i know i was a nutcase at times,hehehehe).

    Thank you so much Eddie! Thank you for everything! You have been wonderful

    to correspond with and i will be sure to keep you updated on Mini. Please

    let the breeders know that Mini is doing good, is healthy and happy 🙂 For

    now, I have sent you two small pics of Mini.

    Its been a pleasure and thank you again 🙂

    Kindest Regards


    Hi Eddie!

    Just wanted to let you know that Mini is doing great!!! He had a little accident 2 nights ago, he jumped off a high surface before we can catch him, but suprisingly he was fine, we took him to the vet in case but the doctor assured us that he is fine,he sprained his right front leg but nothing serious and he will heel by himself. Now he’s back to normal,running around and being naughty as always 🙂 he’s such a loving puppy, everyone in the vet loves him,someone actually asked me if they can have him (of course I said NO,hehehe) he licks everyone he sees,he’s always wagging his tail and is such a happy puppy! We took him out for a small walk the other day, he hated the leash at first but I trained him to accept being on a leash, I let him sniff it and show him that he doesn’t have to be scared of it, I let him walk around with the leash hanging from him without me holding on, and now he loves it and loves going for walks. He’s learnt to sit,come, give me five (put his paw on my hand), leave things when I tell him… he’s such a quick learner! He’s put on some weight as well, 1.4 grams to be exact,which isn’t much but its good for him! We also took him to get groomed and now his hair on his face is shorter and we can see his eyes,hehehe. Eddie, he’s just perfect! And here are some pictures of him for u and the breeder.

    Kindest Regards Amal

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    Jonathan - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Jonathan - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Jonathan - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Jonathan - Coton de Tulear, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Having Jonathan is one of the best things that has ever happened for me and my family because he brings so much joy to us everyday. Deryck

    Having Jonathan is one of the best things that has ever happened for me and my family because he brings so much joy to us everyday. Deryck

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    Lieutenant Columbo

    Lieutenant Columbo - Basset Hound, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Lieutenant Columbo - Basset Hound, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie, These are a couple of photos from last night. I have lots of him running around but there from January and he is much smaller:) I will try…

    Hi Eddie,

    These are a couple of photos from last night. I have lots of him running around but there from January and he is much smaller:) I will try to take some good ones of him not sleeping or lounging this week and will send it.

    Have a good weekend!

    Regards Petya,

    Doha, Qatar

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    Fun - Beagle, EuroPuppy review from Qatar
    Fun - Beagle, EuroPuppy review from Qatar

    Hi Eddie, It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us.…

    Hi Eddie,

    It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us. She 9 month and healthy. Again thanks to the breeder how did a very good job.

    Best regards from sunny Qatar.

    Gort family
