Hello! Layla is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well . Here are some pictures of my little angel 🙂
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Rodrigo Martins Dos Santos
Hi Eddie and Tibor,
Wendy now Chanel is very smart and health puppy. She arrived in Doha(Qatar) in last october 26. She was in a very good shape and mood. Thanks to all your staff for the service. Attached some photos.
Doha, Qatar
Erika Clements
Hi Oswald is so sweet. Included are a few pics
Jillian Fu
Hi Shane, Happy to report that Tofu is doing well! She enjoys stealing food, lounging on the couch and greeting new guests. During the past year, she has been settling in nicely with her new baby brother. Although it took her some time to get used to not being the center of attention, our son absolutely adores her. Sometimes she even lets him sit next to her and grab her fur.
Erika Clements
Dear Shane, Thank you for the birthday wishes for Oswald. Here are a few recent pics of him. The one with his bow tie was taken this morning. He is doing great and loves living with 2 other dogs and a cat. All the best, Erika and Curt Clements
Irina Rakhimova
Body- and we call him Jelly is a happy 4 years old pug. He is our family delight and we are very happy to have him with us. Our family is now living in Amman Jordan and Jelly is a happy here with us. Thanks a lot for your kind follow up. Irina