The best decision we made to get him, he is our sweetheart 🙂 Chandni
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Gaurav Narang
The best decision we made to get him, he is our sweetheart 🙂 Chandni
Dear Shane,
Thank you for your email and for the birthday wishes to Scooby.
Scooby is growing fast as you will see from the attached pictures. He has been an amazing addition to our family and has taken over all of our hearts. Scooby somehow seemed to know it was his birthday and was enjoying every minute of the attention all day.
Attached you will find a selection of pictures of Scooby.
Best regards,
Eva-Lotta Calén
Hi Eddie! Ok, thank you for answer. Stubby is a very nice dog in every way; so easy and sometimes so difficult, just as a real typical Bullterrier:) Send you more pics, my computer is full of them… Best Regards Eva