The puppy is doing good. We love him very much. He chews on everything.
Trusted by Over 15 000 Families since 2001
We have more fantastic, and fun reviews on our Facebook Page and the EuroPuppy Club on Facebook. Have a look now at our most recent photos, videos and stories sent to us by EuroPuppy dog owners; loving life with their EuroPuppy.
Joseph Mullen
The puppy is doing good. We love him very much. He chews on everything.
William Mossor
Hey Eddie,
Sorry it has taken soo long for me to respond, I also tried to take the survey, but it is now closed. I wanted to let you know that we are very satisfied with our business with you and Suzy (we have renamed her “Scout”) is doing very well. She finished up all her puppy shots and will be spayed next week.
I’m going to attach some pictures for you to see how much she has grown. She is currently 30 lbs and has almost lost all of her puppy teeth. She is completely house trained, it took me about 8 weeks to train her to ring a desk bell on the floor by the door to let us know when she needs to go potty. She is also enrolled in puppy school where we are teaching her to sit, lay down and several other trick. She is a very quick learner and a very sociable puppy (loves to meet people and other animals). She has also gotten along very well with our rabbits. She is amazing and everyone that meets her says she is the cutest puppy and is impressed how smart she is.
Thanks so much,
Adam Lee Lemonde
Hello Mario, Let me say that our new puppy is great, he is a very loving dog. We have named him Buccaneer, Buc for short. I’m very pleased with the whole experience of getting this dog from you. We took him to the vet and we are happy to know that our vet said he was healthy, I’ve attached the document from the vet. Thanks for all your help with this! Best, Adam Lemonde
Ayrton Andi Angriawan
Hi Eddie,
He has gained plenty of lbs already so far. getting a lot bigger. haha. I’ve been bringing him to play with my friend’s dog a lot ever since I got him. I’ve attached a couple pictures of him and his best friend.
Ayrton Los Angeles, CA , USA
Brian & Erin McGlone
Mario and Tibor,
Our puppy is home with us and I could not be happier with the dog, as well as the process of it all. It took me a total of 10minutes to clear customs and get the puppy, now named Henry. He was very frightened at first, which was expected, but as soon as he warmed up to me he is better than I could have imagined. He is so sweet, loving and affectionate, as well as being a beautiful bull. He even has been going to the bathroom on the wee wee pads we laid out for him without even telling him, which was a wonderful surprise. He actually got a little on the carpet so I was cleaning it up with a napkin and when I put it on the floor he sniffed it, put it in his mouth, walked over to the pad and left the napkin ontop of it. I thought that was adorable and showed how bright he is already. I was planning on putting him in his cage to sleep, but I just couldn’t bear to part with him. He slept in between Brian and I and cuddled with us all night!
Thank you again and I will let you know how our vet visit goes on Saturday! If there is anything else I need to do please let me know. Thanks again, I couldn’t be happier!
My response to a customer inquiring about Mario and EuroPuppy USA!
Hey Tina,
Thank you for e-mailing me, I am more than happy to tell you quickly about my experience with Euro puppy.
For awhile I was researching, e-mailing and calling breeders. On my google search euro puppy was one of the first links that would pop up so I assumed it must be somewhat legit because I figured if it was a scam I it would have been reported and shut down. Even so, I was still a little skeptical and hesitant, but the picture of the puppy I wanted wouldn’t leave my mind. Reading the testimonials also helped me. So I called EuroPuppy just to find out a bit more information.
Without getting into too much detail, Mario was more than helpful! He was always there to answer my questions, comments and concerns and tried his hardest to get me the puppy I wanted as fast as he could. Service is key with this company! I ordered my mini bulldog on a Monday morning and I was told he would be ready for pick up at the airport on Thursday!
In the few days in between, Euro puppy kept in contact with me via phone and e-mail with updates and flight information. They took me step by step in order to for me to pick up my puppy from the airport, which was extremely easy. Once the airline itself gave me confirmation I felt even better.
On that Thursday, I got to the airport and went to the Cargo building and asked if a puppy arrived and they said yes. I was so relieved just knowing that this really went through and he was actually there. It took a total of 10 minutes to put his paperwork through customs and have him cleared and in my arms. Of course the puppy was scared from the whole experience so I just wrapped him up in a blanket and held him until he calmed down. From then on he wouldn’t leave my side, he was immedately at home.
I took him to the vet that Saturday and showed them the paperwork (including his puppy passport) that Euro puppy provided and he was up to date on his shots and after examining him and a stool sample they said everything looked great with him. I brought him to the vet again a couple weeks later to continue with his vaccinations (they all love him). I honestly couldn’t be happier with the dog. He is the sweetest, gentlest, most loving dog and I’m so happy with the whole process.
I’ve ALWAYS wanted a bulldog and he is my first puppy as well. I’ve had him for a month now and I love him a little more each day. My only problem is leaving him in the morning when I have to go to work. He’s so damn cute it is near impossible to leave, but leaving work is that must sweeter because I know I have him to come home to.
Of course I was nervous and a little skeptical since I never heard of this company, but now that its said and done I would recommend it to anyone. My ex-boyfriends mother is a breeder and I have done a lot of research, so if you decide to go with a bull from there feel free to contact me with any questions you may have! Bulldogs are a good amount of work that require lots of attention, maybe more so than other puppies since they are a special breed, but I’m sure you know that. They are certainly worth it! Good luck and hopefully I helped your decision! I’m going to attach a couple pictures of Henry, my bulldog!
P.S. – Henry was easy to potty train as well as basic commands such as “sit” and “paw.”
Christine Porter
Hi Eddie,
So glad to hear from you. I will attach a few pictures of her. Kids named her “Biggie Smalls.”
Thanks, Christine
Gudrun Wieselthaler
Hi Eddie! Here some pictures of our sweetheart Poppy. We love her so much. She is so lovely. Thanks for all. Gudrun, Vienna, Austria
Gudrun Wieselthaler
Hello Eddie,
And here some impressions from my sweet home
Joseph Beattie
The pup has arrived in good spirits this morning after his long trip. As soon as we got him home he was bouncing around as if he didn’t have a care in the world and hasn’t stopped since!!
He’s a lovely pup and I’d like to thank you and your staff for making the process so easy… and would recommend you to anyone I meet.
Tarek Mourad Rizkallah
hi eddie,
i was just wondering what it meant, Abby(now called lazy) is the most gorgeous bulldog you will ever see, she is happy health and around 17 kilos now, people stop yz in the street when she walks by and she already has been asked for breeding services. we love her so much, i have also recommended europuppy to my friends, one already bought from you a beagle(harmony) her name is monique from egypt, i am sure you will remember her :).
Thomas & Doreen Miethe
Dear Eddie,
Here are some photos of Bosko “Baddy”. He know weighs 30 lbs and is a joy for the whole family. Thank You.
Doreen Miethe
Aaron Haselhorst
We are so sorry that it took us so long to send an update on Bill with pictures. We renamed him Captain and are absolutely loving having him as our puppy! He is pure entertainment and everyone that meets him can’t help but come up and pet him. We just wanted to thank you again for helping us get our beautiful new puppy! We hope you enjoy the pictures.
Aaron and Michelle Haselhorst
Fajer Al sayegh
Hi eddie, Thank you so much shes here Fajer
Alonso Torres
Hello Eddie,
It’s been about two years since we received our beautiful Chona from Europuppy and she has grown to be the most loving and awesome puppy ever.
Attached are some pictures of her and her best friends. As you can tell, she is very photogenic.
Thank you for such a great companion
Alan & Lorna Farmer
hi eddie its saturday morning we have renamed roller vinnie suits his temperment so much better he seems to have settled in realy well eating drinking and playing great we have a vets appointment tomorrow (sunday) so will inform you of the visit once again thank you so much for all your help over the last few weeks and the safe delivery of vinnie to our home
lorna farmer
Sean T Lewis
We picked up Solomon at the airport a couple of hours ago. I want say I had my doubts about ordering pets online but EuroPuppy is awesome and I would recommend you to anyone and everyone. Not only did I receive great communication from you and the rest of the Europuppy staff, I received a lot of useful information without having to search the internet trying to figure out who’s telling the truth. Everything you told me regarding the quality of the breeders, shipping etc.. was dead on. We picked Solomon up at the airport this evening. As instructed we let him get out in the airport parking lot with my family surrounding him so he would get hurt. When he was ready he came out of his crate and sniffed around. He checked everyone out in the family including my wife, three daughters and myself. By the way if this helps he was really hungry, luckily we brought some food and water. We sat out in the parking lot at least 30 minutes. He finally started playing around and went to the bathroom. I held that wonderful animal all the way home. When we got home we introduced Solomon to our miniature dalmatian Sierra. Sierra is about 9 years old and she did not know what to think. Of course they did the whole sniffing thing. I just wanted to let you know Solomon will go to the vet either tomorrow or Saturday. Solomon is a very energetic puppy, beautiful face,and overall an outstanding puppy. He is in his crate now getting ready for bed. He has been in there at least 20 minutes and I haven’t heard a peep out of him. Poor guy is an international traveler, I guess it took its toll on him. Again, I can’t stress how happy, satisfied and relieved to have him home. I have wanted a English Bulldog since I was a kid and now I have a great one thanks to EuroPuppy. THIS DOG IS AWESOME. Thanks again.
Sean Lewis
P.S. If anyone has any doubts about about this company please feel free to have them e-mail me.
Nikolai Kristensen & Julie Lyngs Bjerre
Hi Euro puppy team
Sorry it took so long sending pictures, Eddie or Rolex as you now him, is doing great. hes fantastic, and makes our day every day… thank you once again, you done perfect. be free to use us as contacts, if we can help you at anyway..
Best regards Nikola and Julie,
Camilla Brown
Hi Eddie,
I hope that you enjoyed your vacation. Here is a couple pictures of Beckham. That is what we named him and his health certificate is attached also. He is doing well, and getting very very big. We have him in obedience school and he is doing very good. He is really good with the kids to. Thanks for everything.
Camilla Brown
Jenna Barnes
I just wanted give you guys at EuroPuppy a quick update on Chelsea.
I purchased Chelsea, a miniature English Bulldog this past Feb. She weighs about 40lbs now and is strong, playful and healthy, I could not ask for a better dog! She has been the best puppy throughout this almost first year. She has never once cried or whined, has a head full of sense and was very easy to train. She is without a doubt the sweetest thing in the world to everyone and absolutely adores children.
I am so blessed to have such an awesome bulldog! I will definitely purchase from this company again in the future and recommend them to anyone!
Thanks again, EuroPuppy!
Jenna Leigh Barnes
Hello Eddie,
Chelsea arrived yesterday around 12 noon. We did not get home until around 4:45p.m. and all local vets close at 5:00p.m. So she will be going today around 1:00. She is doing great and is as sweet as could be!Here are a couple pictures from when she arrived! I will e-mail again as soon she leaves the vet and fax information to you!
Robert & Louise Ashley
Hi Eddie and Tibor,
Here are some pictures of Petra on her first day. She is booked in for tomorrow with the vet I will let you know how it goes. She has slept most of today in her bed which she seems to love and also fell asleep on top of me! She is very good and such a beautiful puppy and very affectionate like it said on the EuroPuppy website. Thanks Again and I will update you on her progress.
Caitlin Hunt
Eddie and Tibor;
Thank you so much for all your help with Mona. She is such a little ball of energy!! I am so in love with her!!