Rui is doing fine. We got a dog trainer for him and he listens perfectly on
command now. Here go a few pictures I don’t have any real full body pictures
of him but I will take some and send them to you tomorrow. He is VERY loving
towards us, and is becoming a very good guard dog! And is also becoming VERY
smart through his dog training :)!
P.S. His name is not Ebay it is Rui :).
Hey Eddie just thought I’d send you an update on how Rui is doing, and send
you some full body pictures of him. He’s a fantastic dog, follows my wife
room to room lol :). He’s starting to get pretty muscular, especially around
his shoulders, my wife walks him for 1 1/2 hrs everyday. She doesn’t even
need to use a leash seeing hes stuck to her side :). We will enjoy the years
to come with him.