Eddie, Pup finally made it to Puert Rico! They love him. He is gorgeous, I attached the pic. Stephanie, USA
Trusted by Over 15 000 Families since 2001
We have more fantastic, and fun reviews on our Facebook Page and the EuroPuppy Club on Facebook. Have a look now at our most recent photos, videos and stories sent to us by EuroPuppy dog owners; loving life with their EuroPuppy.
Carlos Lopez- Lay
Eddie, Pup finally made it to Puert Rico! They love him. He is gorgeous, I attached the pic. Stephanie, USA
Valentinos Panagi
Dear Eddie
Here are 2 photos from Adelina in her first show. She had excellent criticism. We got our first BSB.
Best Regards,
Valentinos Panagi
Good Evening Ed,
I have some good news. Adelina got her second B.O.B and B.J.O.B! We are very proud 🙂
The Judge said that she has excellent type, excellent feminine head, strong muzzle, excellent mouth, good expression, good neck, enough body of age
Stephen C. Scott
Hay Mario:
Here are some pictures of Timber; we changed her name from Rebecca to Timber Lee. All I can say is wow! What a beautiful animal, she is everything I wanted and more. Timber is a very intelligent dog, she is growing fast, and we all love her very much.
Patsie and I want you to know that we really appreciate everything you’ve done; and we thank you for making it possible for Timber to come into our lives.
The Scott Family
Kelly Mollitor
Hello Sandor and Eddie,
I am enclosing a picture for you. This is my littest man Michael with our new family member Chance. I want to say once again a special thanks for getting this little puppy to us as quickly as possible. We are 100% happy with him. We are looking forward to putting him in the show ring.
I look forward to doing business with you again in the future.
Kelly from Michigan
Kelly Mollitor
Friendly Hello,
I am enclosing a photo of Chance. He is doing wonderful. We took him to his first adult dog show. He took 1st place, BOB (best of breed) and Best Male. He has a total of 25 points towards his conformation Championship.
If you could email the breeder his photo I would appreciate it. You are more than welcome to use on your website as we are a very happy customer.
Many Blessings,
Rev Kelly
Andrew M. Haven
Hey Eddie`,
I’ve got some more pictures of Bedford for you. The other Bullmastiff in the pics is the female that I purchased from you last year, have you ever seen a nicer looking female, she looks better than most of the males I’ve seen. The French Bulldog is the male I got from you as well.
Thank you and stay cool,
Andrew Haven
p.s. Tell the breeder Bedford is talking to himself these days, he lays on his side in the living room and lightly barks, he has a lot to say. I love his personality.
Megan Clark
We renamed Sergent Maximus when we got him. He is doing great he’s a healthy 165 pounds and loves his family. He is honestly the best dog we have ever had. Please let the breader know.