Are you a responsible dog owner?

Prove yourself to be one of the best and take home our responsible dog owner certificate.
Be ready for anything
Don’t be caught off guard by your dog! It requires a lot to be a responsible dog owner. Take this test, and in a matter of minutes you will learn everything you need to know and avoid surprises later.
The Dog in Your Life
There’s nothing more important than caring for a living creature. We all want to see our dogs have a long healthy life, full of happiness. Discover all that you should do to ensure your dog’s safety and wellbeing.
Home is where the heart is
No one wants to put their dog in Animal Shelter, but it can happen. You need to be certain a dog is right for you before you bring it home. Find out if you have what it takes, and be sure you are ready for the commitment needed to have a dog in your home.

A Responsible Owner for a Loving Dog
Just like you, at EuroPuppy we love dogs, of course we do, and we want to see all our puppies happy and content, and their owners too! We believe a happy, well behaved, healthy dog, is only possible if they have a kind, well prepared, RESPONSIBLE owner. There is no greater responsibility than to CARE for a LIFE, and when you own a dog that is exactly what you do.
Our dog’s can’t tell us what they want. Wouldn’t that make it easy! None of this comes naturally, a great dog owner learns how to be responsible.
For the Joy of a Dog
The happiness your dog shows you when you get home, its tail wagging as you put your boots on for a walk, its joy in playing fetch back and forth, and having it lying on your lap, content at the end of the day, are only some of the rewards of being a dog owner.
There is no animal more devoted and loyal than a dog. Your dog loves you unconditionally! What you have to do is, love, provide and care for your dog unconditionally.

Passing our test you can feel proud in the knowledge that you will be a great dog owner.
If you are just planning now to bring a puppy into your home, what greater way can there be to find out if you are ready for the commitment of bringing new life into your family. Taking our test could be invaluable to you. You can discover all that there is to do and know about life with, and looking after, a dog.

I have seen many dog owners that just weren’t ready for the level of commitment owning a dog entails. I don’t want to see our dog purchasers unprepared and surprised after a few weeks with their pup. It is such an important decision to make! Knowing what you need to do, and being ready for the responsibility will ensure that you and your dog will be happy. I believe this Certificate is a great way to help.
Sandor Fagyal – EuroPuppy CEO

You don’t often get a chance to predict the future, but if you ace this test and win your certificate, you can know that you are ready for that bundle of fun!
Maybe you already have a dog and you consider yourself an experienced dog owner?
and learn new things

Let me introduce you to the exam
The exam will be split into several sections, all based around the various ‘duties’ of being responsible TO and FOR your dog. You will be scored on how well you did in each section, and when you complete your test you can find out where you did outstanding and where you are still in need of some training!
This test is so comprehensive, it covers every part of dog ownership, from bringing that puppy home for the first time, up to caring for that senior canine! It is a great educational tool for any dog owner, from a novice right up to a dog scholar! And after you have finished you will receive our stylish certificate declaring you officially as a
EuroPuppy responsible dog owner!

There aren’t many out there that know everything about life with a dog, even me! When I took this test myself it fascinated me to learn some new things. Any way to make life better for my dog is really valuable to me, I am sure it would be for others too!
Madeline Gray – EuroPuppy Customer

Do you THINK you are a responsible dog owner?
Take our test and FIND OUT now